December 2006

Strain Your Brain

Amusing video of the day…


Got scents? Not in San Francisco, you don’t…

A League of Their Own

I have to admit, I never understood the rules of Fantasy Baseball, or any fantasy sports league for that matter. It seemed so complicated to me, yet beer-guzzling frat boys nationwide could grasp the rules. Go figure. Now one of those fantasy sports league fanatics has come up with a game that is still confusing but worthwhile to learn – Fantasy Congress™.

Procrastinate Now

I am a huge fan of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. One reason is that my Republican-registered husband not only watches them with me (his left leaning wife), he loves them. First I weaned him of the “The O’Reilly Factor” and now this. Makes me feel like there’s hope. Secondly, what’s not to [...]

It’s Hip to Be Dull

Do you like watching wood warp? Are you disappointed that the Tupperware Museum in Kissemee, Florida has closed? Are you gearing up to celebrate National Fig Month? If the answer to any of these questions is “Uh, yeah, I guess so,�? then you will probably appreciate (“enjoy�? is too strong of a word) The Dull Men’s Club (DMC) web site.