The Reel Thing

A recent article in the New York Times talked about how important video sites like YouTube were to upcoming elections. Apparently, Senator George Allen, a republican presidential hopeful was videotaped calling the videographer, a man of Indian-American descent, a “macaca” (a term I’ve never heard but apparently is an offensive racial slur). The tape became a hit on YouTube and then made the rounds on TV and newspapers. The article goes on to debate whether video sites like YouTube and Google Video will have positive or negative effects on future campaigns. After reading the article I went to YouTube to view it. But by now it was long buried in YouTube’s thousands of videos that are uploaded to the site every day.

That’s where The Daily Reel comes in -a site that is dedicated to finding the cream of the crop of online videos, as well as the most talked about and noteworthy. Recognizing the importance of online video, the TDR team sifts through 200 sites to bring you the ones worth watching.

“We started The Daily Reel to showcase the best in online video. TDR’s mission is to sift through the nipple-slipping lip-synchers, find the good stuff, and show you what you need to watch. We devote all of our time and resources to finding the quality content among the hundreds of thousands, even millions of videos that are out there. TDR believes that a handful of these creators represent the future of the medium; we don’t want tomorrow’s filmmakers to go unnoticed today.”

In addition to highlighting the best videos to watch, the site provides commentary and news from contributors such as Carson Daly of MTV Fame and Steve Friess, who’s written for Wired, Newsweek and The New York Times.

The films run the gamut from comedy, social commentary, politics, music and just strange/creative, and can run up to an hour. The only suggestion I have for this team is to clarify between Top 10 Films of the Day (found running along the left side of the page), and the Top 10 Most Watched (available from their top navigation), which are both called TDR Top 10. Be sure to check out Star Trek Cribs and Little Big Love.

One Response to “The Reel Thing”

  1. Felicia says:

    Thanks for the support, there have been alot of improvements to the site over the past week or so. To my knowledge we have never had a Top Ten most watched, but it is interesting that it may have seemd that way. Check out the new site.

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