The Eyes Have it

Forgetting — if it’s possible — the intense and acrimonious political debate over Intelligent Design , there are two videos making the viral rounds at the moment that illustrate, from opposite sides of the debate, the incredible way that “nature” (for lack of a better word) designs organisms and mechanisms to work optimally in their environment. These videos are each fascinating in their own way from a user-centered design perspective. This one takes it as an article of pure faith that the banana (yes, the banana) was perfectly and deliberately designed to be grabbed and easily peeled by the human hand and eaten by the human mouth. And this one illustrates how the design of the eye must have evolved from a flat, light-sensitive panel, to a cup-shaped organ with a lense that can direct and focus light into a crisper image.

I don’t know if bananas were specifically designed for human consumption or if eyes actually evolved over millions of years to work they way they do in mammals today, but it’s always fascinating to consider how natural objects just somehow “fit” in the larger scheme of things. And speaking of banana debates…

For more fun with the Evolution vs. Intelligent Design debate, this appearance, by Evolution expert and Brown Professor Ken Miller on the Colbert Report is a must-see.

Hat-tip to Seth Godin for the viral videos link.

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