White Papers

Usability of Presidential Candidate Sites

So much has been made of the role of the Internet in this year’s presidential election. In particular, the Obama campaign has made some impressive claims about the success of BarackObama.com in fund-raising and organization of supporters. Even on the most superficial level, the two candidate sites have a lot in common in [...]

Net Rage: A Study of Blogs and Usability

Catalyst analysis of user interface design challenges posed by blogs and blog interfaces, based on proprietary usability testing on a BusinessWeek blog.

Surviving the Adolescent Internet

We’ve reposted a slightly aged white paper on how to balance site design for repeat visitors vs. first timers - because its advice holds up well. It’s called “Surviving the Adolsecent Internet.”

Screen Size Matters

A Catalyst white paper exploring the hidden cost of interface designs that don’t address the split in the market between those viewing the web at 1024×768 or higher and those who see it at 800×600.